Understand test results
Learn how to interpret key metrics, graphs, and insights from Dema’s incrementality test results.
Dema’s test results provide a clear breakdown of performance between your treatment group (regions where marketing spend is modified) and control group (regions where spend continues as usual). This page helps you evaluate whether your marketing efforts drove true incremental lift in key metrics such as sales and profit.
Test types and group definitions
Lift Test
The treatment group consists of regions where ads are paused or reduced (holdout treatment), while the control group continues business as usual.
New Channel Test
The treatment group consists of regions receiving ads in the new channel, while the control group continues with existing channels only.
Navigating the test results interface
Selecting metrics to analyze
In the upper right corner of the test results dashboard, you’ll find a dropdown menu that allows you to select which metric to analyze:
- Gross Sales: Analyzes total revenue (ROAS)
- Net Sales: Analyzes revenue after returns and discounts (eROAS)
- Net Gross Profit 2: Analyzes profit contribution (epROAS)
- New Customer Count: Analyzes customer acquisition (CAC)
The metric you select will determine which performance indicators are displayed throughout the dashboard.
Key metrics explained
Core metrics
- The total advertising spend during the test period, shown separately for treatment and control groups
- This helps quantify the investment used to drive the observed lift
Net sales
- The total sales observed in the treatment group compared to the control group
- The difference between these values is a core indicator of incrementality
Incremental value
- The additional sales generated by the treatment group beyond what the control group achieved
- This measures the true incremental impact of your ads
Incremental factor (incremental ROAS)
- The ratio of incremental value to spend. Depending on the target variable, this represents:
- ROAS: If the target variable is Gross Sales
- eROAS: If the target variable is Net Sales
- epROAS: If the target variable is Net Gross Profit 2 (net profit)
- CAC: If the target variable is New Customer Count
Interpreting the graphs
Comparison graph
This bar chart compares three different measurement approaches:
- Incremental ROAS or CAC: The true incremental return measured through the test (treatment vs. control)
- Ad Platform ROAS or CAC: The return as reported by the advertising platforms themselves
- Dema MTA ROAS or CAC: The return as calculated by Dema’s Multi-Touch Attribution model
Comparing these three measurements provides valuable context about how platform-reported performance may differ from true incremental performance. The metric displayed (ROAS, eROAS, epROAS, or CAC) will change based on which metric you’ve selected for analysis in the dropdown menu.
Lift analysis charts
The lift analysis section contains four complementary charts that help you understand the test results:
- Lift chart (top left):
- Shows the daily trends for both treatment and control groups
- Helps identify when and how the treatment began affecting performance
- Parallel trends in pre-test periods: This confirms that the groups were well-matched before the experiment began
- Divergence during the test period: A clear gap between the treatment and control groups indicates incremental lift from marketing activities
Lift percentage chart (top right):
- Displays the percentage lift from marketing activities each day
- Shows the relative impact of marketing on your selected metric
Cumulative causal effect chart (bottom left):
- Shows the accumulated incremental impact over time
- The shaded area represents the confidence interval
Efficiency over time chart (bottom right):
- Shows how your performance metric (ROAS, eROAS, epROAS, or CAC) evolves throughout the test
- Helps identify when marketing efficiency peaked or declined
The specific metric shown in these charts (ROAS, eROAS, epROAS, or CAC) will change based on which metric you’ve selected for analysis in the dropdown menu.
Key terms and FAQs
What is a confidence interval?
A confidence interval (C.I.) represents the range of values within which the true incremental impact is likely to fall. Narrower intervals indicate more precise results, while wider intervals suggest more variability or uncertainty in the data.
Example: If the C.I. for incremental sales is 100-500 units, the true impact is likely within this range, though the point estimate (e.g., 300 units) is considered the best approximation.
Drawing actionable insights
If results show significant lift:
- Validate platform metrics: Compare test results with platform-reported performance to ensure consistency.
- Optimize for profit: Focus on campaigns or regions with the highest incremental ROAS to maximize profitability.
If lift is minimal or negative:
- Evaluate creative or targeting: Test new ad formats, messaging, or audience segments.
- Test alternative channels: Explore whether shifting spend to other platforms could improve results.
By understanding and interpreting Dema’s test results, you can make data-driven decisions that optimize your marketing spend and drive true business impact.