

This guide outlines the steps to obtain the necessary tokens for integrating Shopify’s Orders and Inventory with our platform. By following these steps, you’ll enable our connector to synchronize your Shopify store’s orders and inventory data efficiently.

Available Data Types

  • Orders
  • Inventory


  • Access to your Shopify store’s admin dashboard.
  • Permissions to create and manage apps in your Shopify store.

Step-by-Step Integration Guide


Access Your Shopify Dashboard

Navigate to the dashboard of your Shopify store.


Navigate to App Settings

  1. Click on Settings in the bottom left corner of the dashboard.
  2. In the left sidebar, select “Apps and sales channels”.
  3. Click the “Develop apps” button.

Create an App

  1. Press the “Create an app” button.
  2. Name your app (Note: The name will affect the process of obtaining access tokens).
  3. Click “Create app” to proceed.

Configure Admin API Scopes

Press the “Configure Admin API scopes” button to set the permissions your app will have.

  • You will need to select the following scopes with read access:
    • Inventory (read_inventory)
    • Products (read_products)
    • Assigned fulfillment orders (read_assigned_fulfillment_orders)
    • Draft orders (read_draft_orders)
    • Customers (read_customers)
    • Merchant-managed fulfillment orders (read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders)
    • Orders (read_all_orders)
    • Reports (read_reports)

Use the search field to easily find and select these scopes.


Save API Scopes

Once you’ve selected the necessary scopes, click the green “Save” button at the bottom right of the page.


Install the App

Navigate to the “API credentials” tab. Shopify will prompt you to install the app if not already done. Follow the instructions to install the app on your store.


Obtain Admin API Access Token

After installation, a section called “Admin API access token” will appear in the “API credentials” tab. Reveal and copy the token. Remember, once revealed, the token cannot be shown again. Ensure you save it in a secure location.


Acquire Your Store's Domain

The last step is to note down your store’s domain, visible at the top left of the settings page. This is crucial for the integration process.

Submit Your Credentials

Once you have your admin access token and your store’s domain, please package them as shown below and send them to the Customer Success Team:

  "token": "shpat_12e1234567891234789",
  "shopDomain": "examplestore.myshopify.com"
For security reasons, ensure you send this information through a secure channel as recommended by the Customer Success Team.


You have successfully obtained the admin access token and your store’s domain, essential for integrating Shopify Orders and Inventory with our platform.

Troubleshooting and Support

If you encounter any issues during this process or have questions, please reach out to our support team for assistance.

Additional Resources

For more detailed information on managing your Shopify store and API permissions, visit the Shopify Help Center.