UTM parameters play a critical role in tracking the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns. They help in identifying how users arrive at your website and connect them with any associated costs. This guide explains UTM parameters, their importance, common uses, and how to set them up for optimal integration with Dema.

What is UTM?

UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters are snippets added to the end of a URL to track the performance of campaigns across traffic sources and publishing media. They enable the analysis of what led a user to your website, from where, and link any associated costs.

Importance of a Structured UTM Setup

A well-structured UTM setup is essential for:

  • Ensuring accurate tracking of traffic sources and marketing spend.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of different marketing strategies.
  • Making sense of traffic and cost data for informed decision-making.

Always ensure your ads and campaigns are correctly tagged with UTM parameters.

Common UTM Parameters

The most frequently used UTM parameters include:

  • utm_source: Identifies which site sent the traffic.
  • utm_medium: The marketing medium (e.g., cpc, banner, email).
  • utm_campaign: Specifies the individual campaign name.

More Granular UTM Parameters

For more detailed tracking, you can also use:

  • utm_term: Used for paid search to identify keywords.
  • utm_content: Differentiates similar content or links within the same ad.

Optimal UTM Setup for Dema

To enhance tracking and integration with Dema, consider adding specific UTM parameters based on the traffic source:


  • Add dema_id={campaignid} to all URLs for search paid traffic to track campaign IDs.


  • Use dema_adid={{ad.id}} for all URLs in social paid traffic campaigns to track ad IDs.


  • Format your URLs with dema_id=__CAMPAIGN_ID__-__AID__-__CID__ for social paid traffic to capture comprehensive campaign details.

Using IDs instead of names ensures consistency, even if campaign names change over time.

Example URL for Google


Example URL for Facebook


Example URL for TikTok


This structured approach to UTM parameters facilitates the detailed tracking of marketing efforts and their outcomes, ensuring that Dema can accurately connect traffic sources with associated costs for comprehensive analysis and reporting.